"Some kayaks are sold with a real seat, that has a real back, like a chair. It makes a boat look seductive in the showroom, but unless you can make a deal with God that you'll never, ever capsize, it's not a feature you want. A seat that sticks up higher than the cockpit rim makes it significantly harder to get back in your boat after a capsize - whether you're doing a self-rescue or getting help from someone else. If the boat of your dreams has a chair back to its seat, have the dealer replace it with a low back-band."
So instead I am considering a Velcro strap to attach the Styrofoam seat to the boat.
In other news, I have just repaired the kayak tips so they have a nice round nose on both ends. It is just another step closer to painting them. My sister and brother in law rented them for this weekend and will be taking them up to Tibble Creek Res. in American Fork canyon. It is great to finally be sending them out! Have fun guys!