This man is amazing. I would love to do this at some point in my life. Using a kayak only a bit larger than mine (12ft vs 9.5ft) he wrestled a 157-lb ~5.5ft bluefin tuna 'till it wore itself out, then tied it to his boat and made it the 2+ miles back to shore. My favorite quotes from this article are:
Bluefins are powerful enough, he said, that if given too little line, they can cause a kayak to flip end over end.
being towed at speeds up to 15 miles an hour before the fish exhausts itself.
First you have to hook the fish, which strikes suddenly and violently — “sort of like a raging bull,” he said. Then there’s the ride, which is the scariest part but also “the most fun thing I’ve ever done.” After that you have to fight the fish until it dies of exhaustion.
In August he reluctantly did this (turned over a fish to a larger boat) with a bluefin that eventually escaped but that on the fishing boat’s sonar looked to be about 800 pounds.
“That just broke my spirit,” he said. “They told me, ‘That fish is so big, it doesn’t even know you’re here.’ ”